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Hypnosis is a natural human state, a true gift from life itself. We move in and out of states of hypnosis everyday. For example when we read a book and become totally immersed in the characters that they become so real to us and we feel with them and for them and create the scenes vividly in our head we are actually engaging the same brain areas that we do in hypnosis.

As such, you, like everybody else will be able to experience hypnosis and gain immense benefit from it.

We can use clinical hypnotherapy in an extraordinary range of presenting challenges including those that often come with weight issues such as:

Emotional Eating, Poor Body Image, Stress Management, Binge Eating, Lack of Motivation, Self-Sabotage, Cravings, Mindful Eating, and Sedentary Lifestyle.

An extraordinary range of presenting challenges such as: Allergies, Depression, Sleep disorders, Anxiety & stress management, Sports & Athletic Performance, Obesity & weight control, Asthma, Smoking cessation, High blood pressure, Bed-wetting, Reynaud’s disease, Sexual dysfunction’s, Concentration, Test anxiety, Learning disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease Dermatological Disorders (Eczema, Herpes, Neurodermatitis, Pruritus (itching), Psoriasis (Warts), Pain (back pain, cancer pain, dental anaesthesia, headaches and migraines, arthritis or rheumatism), Breast growth, Clinical Depression, Burns, Childbirth Surgery/Anaesthesiology, Victims of abuse (incest, rape, physical abuse, cult abuse), Post Traumatic Stress. New areas for its successful use are opening up all the time, recent examples are assistance in IVF treatment, immune system support, IBS, money management just to name a few.
Hypnotherapy can help address underlying emotional triggers that lead to overeating.
It can assist in improving self-esteem and body image, which are often linked to weight issues.
It can uncover and address subconscious beliefs that lead to self-sabotaging behaviours.
Hypnotherapy can be used to manage and reduce episodes of binge eating by addressing the psychological roots.
Hypnotherapy can help enhance motivation and commitment to weight loss goals.
It can uncover and address subconscious beliefs that lead to self-sabotaging behaviours.
Hypnotherapy can help diminish cravings for unhealthy foods by reprogramming the subconscious mind.
It promotes mindful eating habits, encouraging individuals to be more aware of their eating behaviors.
Hypnotherapy can help increase motivation for physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviors.

The Research

A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD. revealed the following recovery rates:

  • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions

  • Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

  • Hypnotherapy 93% Recovery after 6 sessions (Source: American Health Magazine)

Your Experience 

Every session is tailor made specifically to you. We will take a brief yet thorough case history, discuss your end result, answer any questions you have about hypnosis and then begin to use hypnotherapy to achieve your result. You will experience hypnosis within your first session.

Research driven clinical hypnotherapy is normally three to six sessions depending on the presented issue.

Life Coaching

True coaching is about helping you achieve tangible and verifiable results. Results that you can see and feel. 

As a life coach I will help you attain your highest vision for yourself at your ideal weight.  

As a coach we create a place of purpose, safety and power to help you get clear, focused and attain what you really want in your life. 

I help my clients envision their future and then partner with them to make a plan to get there. I use a highly specialised set of skills to empower and motivate you to take action and create change.  

Coaching is not about self help, personal development or feel good platitudes and me giving my opinion on things, rather it is about using a very specific skill that will have you: GET CLEAR, GET MOTIVATED, TAKE ACTION and ACHIEVE RESULTS. 

I will show you how to move through any perceived obstacle and I will hold you accountable for the actions that you need to take charge and make your goals a reality. 

  • Coaching is not about talk, it is about action.

  • Coaching is 10% goal setting and 90% goal achieving.

The Bottom Line

Your current level of thinking, strategy and accountability has got you where you are. If you want something more or something different, then one or more of these areas has to change. Coaching is the tool that makes it happen.  

Working together your life will never be the same…

Hypno-analysis Program

There are multiple styles of hypnotherapy, I use them all depending on you and your needs. 

You may have a feeling that there is something from your past that is holding you back. If so, Hypnoanalysis is incredibly effective. 

We will work together to use hypnosis to have you go into your past and find the root cause of your issue. Once found I will engage specific techniques to resolve the block/issue so that you can move forward with freedom and confidence. 

Hypno-analysis is a regression technique and differs considerably from standard psychoanalysis. We don’t guess about why you have the problem that you have and we don’t talk about probabilities or likelihoods, instead we use hypnosis to take you back to the specific reason that your mind is holding onto. 

Clients are often amazed when the issue that their mind finds and presents is quite different from what they had believed to have been the cause.

Hypno-analysis provides a safe, effective and rapid resolve. 

Three sessions is usually sufficient for most issues, however there are times when further investigation is needed. 

Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

The Better Band Program 

The better band program will program you to eat smaller portions sizes and feel fuller more rapidly. I will also help you to feel and stay confident and motivated for the duration of your weight loss plan. 

I use the virtual surgery gastric band program created by The Mind Academy in my clinic. It is incredibly effective, rapid and in depth, ensuring that you get the best possible experience and result. Having been trained in this method I can also tailor the program to your specific personality, strengths and needs.

The media has been incredibly favourable in its assessment of Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis. The reason is obvious. It is safe, effective and provides for many a genuine alternative to surgery and other weight loss approaches. 

This Virtual Surgery Gastric Band Program means that you can have access to this life changing experience in the comfort of my clinic. 

We will have a pre-surgery talk, covering how it works, what to expect and any medical issues we need to be aware of and take into account. 

In the second session we will install the virtual gastric band using powerful modern hypnotic techniques.

The 3rd session installs a maintenance session that you also get an audio to support your weight loss journey. 

Many people are unaware of the extraordinary success hypnosis can have when it comes to losing weight. Clinical research has documented that when hypnosis is added to weight loss plans it increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment and even more importantly increased the effectiveness post treatment plan by over 146%. This shows that the benefits of hypnosis are immediate and also increase over time.

I love to assist people to achieve satisfaction, increased self esteem and renewed health and wellbeing through reaching their ideal weight goal and I am confident that if you follow the simple steps outlined here and listen to the sessions as advised you too will enjoy the wonderful sense of accomplishment of achieving your dream weight loss goal as well. 

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